Author: Amy Berenson

Love Your Work and Your Life Career & Life Coach

What is a session like?

You’ll be amazed at how easy and comfortable it is Sometimes the easiest way for you to learn what coaching is about is to actually be coached. So, at our first session, which is complimentary, we will start with a brief discussion of what coaching is about and how we can best work together. Then we’ll have a short coaching session on a real topic. Even in 30 minutes, you will see the power of…
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The coaching experience . . .

Let coaching help you find your True North! You are not lost . . . . . . or broken and you do not need “fixing.” You have the ability, confidence and the answers already inside you. You might just need a partner who can help you see the possibilities and discover the drive to bring them forward. We will laugh, we may cry, but most importantly, you will feel lighter, more energized and ready to…
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Are you headed for burnout? 10 symptoms

Do any of these look familiar?– 1—Tired all or most of the time 2—Staying at work later and later with few breaks 3—Muddle-headed, difficulty focusing 4—Frequent colds, stomach troubles or headaches 5—Lack of motivation to do the job or forgetful 6—Grouchy 7—Isolated from friends and fun times 8—Disorganized, stressed or out-of-balance 9—Little self-care or rest, putting off workouts, haircuts, manicures or massages 10—Generally not feeling accomplished or capable, losing interest in anything requiring effort Burnout…
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My promise to you

My goal is to help you find your best direction, your true North, where your purpose aligns with your values and your passion. My promise to you, as my client— You will receive grounded, non-judgmental, authentic, confidential and open-minded coaching on topics you wish to explore including job/career, retirement, health and wellness goals and other life issues. Together, in a client and coach partnership, we will seek, find and usher in your new direction or…
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What is coaching?

The focus is to serve & inspire A coach is a change-agent, a catalyst for moving ahead and empowering clients to reach the place they wish to go. Coaching provides a path to align your purpose and values with your passions and direction. In my sessions, the focus is to serve my client’s goals, inspire and offer a path toward transformation. Where do you wish to be? Where do you experience joy or despair every…
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