Category: What You Can Expect

Love Your Work and Your Life Career & Life Coach

A career coach can help me . . . how?

You CAN find work that will be more interesting, inspirational and enjoyable! Do any of the following describe how you sometimes feel? You have a “great” job, you have a great salary, benefits, etc. but you have to drag yourself out of bed every morning just to show up. The work is not satisfying or interesting anymore. You go to work every day, earn a decent living, but the idea of doing it for the…
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How a career coach can help

Here is a real client’s perspective on what she gained from our work together. Perhaps some of her comments will resonate and help you understand more fully the impact a coaching relationship can have on one’s life. When the time is right for client to end a series of coaching sessions, part of the process is to help the client reflect on what they’ve learned and how far they have come. It is also a…
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3 steps to feeling more satisfied with yourself

We can all come up with ways our lives could be better, right? A little more joy, money, love, freedom, creativity . . . could make all the difference. But how can you go about making it happen? You must first look at what is holding you back. Tap into your hidden strengths What are those things you are good at and enjoy doing? Do you have talents that go unused but are yearning to…
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What is a session like?

You’ll be amazed at how easy and comfortable it is Sometimes the easiest way for you to learn what coaching is about is to actually be coached. So, at our first session, which is complimentary, we will start with a brief discussion of what coaching is about and how we can best work together. Then we’ll have a short coaching session on a real topic. Even in 30 minutes, you will see the power of…
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What is coaching?

The focus is to serve & inspire A coach is a change-agent, a catalyst for moving ahead and empowering clients to reach the place they wish to go. Coaching provides a path to align your purpose and values with your passions and direction. In my sessions, the focus is to serve my client’s goals, inspire and offer a path toward transformation. Where do you wish to be? Where do you experience joy or despair every…
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