If you’re hesitating or stuck – here are 4 steps to get you going!

4 simple steps to get out of the mud
If self-doubt, vacillation or downright fear is controlling and possibly hindering your progress, (such as with a project at work or a personal conundrum) here are four easy steps to get you back on track and heading toward success. Ask these questions:
- Do you have the knowledge/information you need to make this decision or do you need more input?
— If no, then obtain it. If yes, go on to #2.
2. Assuming you now have the information you need, what’s holding you back from making this call/decision?
— List the reasons and be honest with yourself. If you need more info, get it. If it’s something else, go to Step 3.
3. Now that you know you have all the information you need and something else is holding you back, are the issues your own personal issues (fear or doubt?) or real business issues (approvals, discussions) that need to be addressed? If it’s fear and that negative self-critic in your head (that we ALL have) acknowledge it. Sometimes simply looking it square on will give you the courage to push through it. Ask yourself what the worst case scenario would be and how likely it is. Chances are you have blown the risk way out of proportion. You are better than that!
4. As a 4th and final step, chill out! You are creative, resourceful and whole and you have the answers within– You will figure this out, one way or another. Stop worrying so much. We can all learn from our challenges and mistakes. No one is perfect. Remember who you are when you are at the peak of your game, get in touch with your best self (Of course, a coach can help with this :-)). Then nothing can stop you!