Overpowering the Inner Critic
Quick method to de-power the Inner Critic
5 Quick steps when it starts to whisper in your ear
- Notice it and recognize it for what it is – negativity that is untruthful. Notice how and where you feel the impact in your body.
- Observe & evaluate what it’s saying: Notice what it says, when it speaks and how it says it. What is it trying to do? Why now? Is there any thing useful (not usually!)?
- Make the choice—to listen or not. Choose to ignore and then FLIP it! Think about a more real response (i.e. I am doing the best I can and that’s good enough!”)
- Send it on its way (using visualization)!
- Remember all the capable, clever and wonderful things you have done and will do.
Accompanying visualization audio available at www.NavigateAhead.com/Gifts1