Why consider coaching?

What’s in it for you?
“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” Mark Twain
If you are working every week, wouldn’t it be fabulous to love what you do? Find a role, or create one, that aligns with you! Explore your values and your why and tap into your own resources and intuition that can help you find the kind of work you can truly enjoy.
In every session or even in-between sessions, you are likely to gain clarity on your topic, both in size and scope. You may see things from a new perspective, discover the narratives in your head, find “Aha” moments about yourself, as well as others.
You are worth it!
Whether you call it “life coaching”, “career coaching” or “personal development”, coaching is a process, a dialogue, where you are the focus and you get the value from the discussion. An experienced coach can use inquiry and conversation to help you achieve clarity, insight, and most importantly, the motivation to move ahead in a new direction. Meeting with a coach, you will be truly listened to without judgment, criticism or diagnosis—possibly more than ever before–with focus and curiosity about what you have to say.
Find out your “why”. Let’s chat.