Silencing Your Inner Critic – Workshop

Love Your Work and Your Life Career & Life Coach

Silencing Your Inner Critic

Get Your Confidence Back

and Lead a More Joyful Life!

A webinar workshop to make it happen

If you would like to offer this workshop to a group, fill out the form below.

Who will benefit from this workshop . . .

Anyone . . .

      • . . . who criticizes themselves
      • . . . is hesitating to move forward toward something that matters
      • . . . who is contemplating a new job or career, but lacks the confidence to start the process
      • . . . feels less than or not enough from time to time

What is it all about?

Confidence is key to achieving the success you want! Studies show our inner critic creates a roadblock and prevents us from achieving many of our goals.  Learn how to manage your negative inner voice that tells you “You can’t” or “You aren’t enough” and start to pursue the life you truly want.

You CAN de-power this voice. 

Do you have more to offer and yet feel stuck? Do you want to change your job, business, relationship or some aspect of your life?  Does the Critic hold you back, stymie your full expression of yourself or your ability to see and experience the gifts you have to offer? I can give you a tool to move that negative voice into the back seat of your life and confidently, successfully transition to the life you want. I’m living proof.

Learn how to recognize and quiet your self-limiting thoughts and see more possibilities. Attendees take away the ability to maintain confidence (for the rest of your life!), strength of purpose so they can pursue the future they desire. Achieve your goals! See the path of possiblity ahead!

Take note: Not everyone realizes they have an inner critic, but everyone does!

It is a natural a part of the human psyche just like our conscience and rational mind.

It can restrict us and prevent us from living our best life.


Prefer an in-house workshop for your employees or other groups? Reach out using the form below. 

Hurry! Fill in the form below to register your interest. Workshops are all (online) and number of participants is limited.       

What more could you accomplish if you could make your inner voice encouraging and inspiring?

Attendees have said:


I am always working on being the best version of myself.

I realize it’s a lot of work. Thank goodness we have great people to help us feel empowered to do just that . . . Make no mistake, we all have this Inner Critic and we are all a work in progress.”

Lolli Leeson
Marketing Director, Juice Plus


 “This was a fantastic workshop! I highly recommend Amy as a coach and speaker. You will get so much insight into how your Inner Critic gets in your way and a really effective tool to manage your responses when that negative voice chimes in.”

Pam Driscoll
Coach, Speaker, Trainer at Pamela Driscoll Coaching


“The workshop was superb, inspiring, thought-provoking, and personally valuable. Naming that inner critic was my take-away. 

Amy is an excellent coach.”

Francie King
Founder and owner of HistoryKeep



At this two-hour webinar, attendees will learn . . .

. . . a new perspective on how the Inner Critic operates

. . . ways to empower and invigorate their self-confidence 

. . . what it feels like to take control over the Inner Critic

. . . how to recognize the critical voice and counter it

. . . the energy shift of a renewed strength of purpose


People like you leave this workshop on a path of greater clarity, energy, and confidence to make a positive change in their lives.

My coaching clients regularly tell me about this tool: 

“I wish I knew about this when I was much younger.

What a difference it would have made in my life!”

Downloadable PDF of Flyer

For more information or to request a spot in the next workshop or webinar, please use the form below.