Overpowering Your Inner Critic

Love Your Work and Your Life Career & Life Coach

Overpowering the Inner Critic

Quick method to de-power the Inner Critic

5 Quick steps when it starts to whisper in your ear

  1. Notice it and recognize it for what it is – negativity that is untruthful. Notice how and where you feel the impact in your body.
  2. Observe & evaluate what it’s saying: Notice what it says, when it speaks and how it says it. What is it trying to do? Why now? Is there any thing useful (not usually!)?
  3. Make the choice—to listen or not. Choose to ignore and then FLIP it! Think about a more real response (i.e. I am doing the best I can and that’s good enough!”)
  4. Send it on its way (using visualization)!
  5. Remember all the capable, clever and wonderful things you have done and will do.

Accompanying visualization audio available at www.NavigateAhead.com/Gifts1