Author: Amy Berenson

Love Your Work and Your Life Career & Life Coach

Recent grad? Gain career clarity & find your thrive-zone job!

Congratulations, grad! You’ve conquered exams, late-night study sessions, and the graduation stage. But now what? Feeling a little lost at sea in the vast ocean of careers? You’re not alone. Many recent grads struggle with the same question: what path should I take? That’s where career coaching comes in. The world of work is full of possibilities, but it can also be overwhelming. Do you know how career coaching could help you? A coach acts…
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From Fear to Focus: Shifting Your Job Search Mindset

Is the fear of rejection holding you back in your job search? You’re not alone. Many talented professionals struggle with the disappointment of a “no” after pouring their heart and soul into an application. But what if we could reframe the job hunt process to be more positive and empowering? Here are a few ways to shift your mindset and combat that fear. Focus on Learning: Instead of seeing each application as a high-stakes gamble,…
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Lost in the Post-Grad Maze? Find Your Way!

Ah, graduation. The confetti settles, the diploma’s in hand, and reality hits – now what? Or maybe that was over a year ago and you are still stuck. Choosing a career path when you’re fresh out of college can feel like navigating a confusing maze. Don’t worry, recent grad, you’re not alone! Fear not, for within this maze lies a fabulous learning opportunity and maybe even your ideal job. But how do you find what…
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Shhhh… Shutting Up Your Inner Critic and Sparking Joy Within

Ever feel like that nagging voice in your head is like a broken record on repeat, constantly playing the “you’re not good enough” song? Yep, we’ve all been there. That, my friends, is your inner critic at its finest (or shall I say, worst?). But guess what? You CAN quiet it and ignite a symphony of confidence and self-love instead. Let’s ditch the negativity and hit the replay button on a more empowering soundtrack! First…
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Unleash Your Next Chapter: Coaching for the Self-Aware and Driven

Life at your stage isn’t about waiting for the next big thing. It’s about shaping the next big thing. You’re seasoned, self-aware, and ready to navigate the exciting terrain of your next act. But even the most experienced explorers benefit from a skilled guide at their side. This is where coaching comes in. Forget the outdated stereotypes of hand-holding or fixing. This is about partnership, not passivity. We collaborate to unlock your potential, refine your…
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