Category: Leadership

Love Your Work and Your Life Career & Life Coach

What was the Great Resignation all about? To Employers: There’s much to be learned.

The labor shortage perplexed us all . . . we thought it was the big unemployment subsidies keeping people at home instead of going back to work. Then, in states which ended those subsidies, we expected a surge in employment. It didn’t happen. Now with everyone no longer receiving the subsidies, employment numbers are still flat. What happened? If it is indeed the time of “Great Resignations”, what is driving everyone to discard their old…
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Want to make a change but can’t seem to get moving? Read this!

You want something—maybe a change in your job or your life—but you are stuck in your own self-doubt tornado. Try these steps and get back on track, heading toward your goal. (If you need help determining your goal, this could help.) One thing is for certain . . . you will be 100% unsuccessful if you don’t even try!  To get started, take just a moment to consider these steps to help move you forward.…
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