Category: Uncategorized

Love Your Work and Your Life Career & Life Coach

What was the Great Resignation all about? To Employers: There’s much to be learned.

The labor shortage perplexed us all . . . we thought it was the big unemployment subsidies keeping people at home instead of going back to work. Then, in states which ended those subsidies, we expected a surge in employment. It didn’t happen. Now with everyone no longer receiving the subsidies, employment numbers are still flat. What happened? If it is indeed the time of “Great Resignations”, what is driving everyone to discard their old…
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How a career coach can help

Here is a real client’s perspective on what she gained from our work together. Perhaps some of her comments will resonate and help you understand more fully the impact a coaching relationship can have on one’s life. When the time is right for client to end a series of coaching sessions, part of the process is to help the client reflect on what they’ve learned and how far they have come. It is also a…
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What motivates health care workers to risk their lives? (and aren’t they amazing?)

This week, Frontline ran a documentary on how medical teams responded to the pandemic in Italy. There were so many examples of bravery, compassion and concern–nurses who stayed with patients because family couldn’t, doctors who sat for hours with coma patients because they wanted them to pull through, workers who risked their lives and gave up their family life to go to the hospital to care for complete strangers. It was moving to see the…
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