Because you are worth it!

Follow your instincts . . .
Here’s what can happen. When someone first hears about coaching, whether it’s called “Life” or “Personal” or “Career” coaching, their instinct is often to jump in with anticipation at the thought of getting help figuring out their next move.
Then . . . they think about it. That Little Voice starts telling them maybe they aren’t so keen on sharing what’s going on in their personal life. That Little Voice helps them ignore what is on their mind and keeps them stuck in the same place.
Don’t let that Little Voice snuff out the spark that can ignite a positive change in your life.
I understand that Little Voice because we all have it. While it is there to protect us, it actually keeps us in a place we really don’t want to be.
Coaching is a sacred space. You can talk openly, knowing it will go no further and your feelings, thoughts and actions will not be judged . . . it is a place where someone listens deeply to what you have to say. And then, with only the best intentions, your coach will ask powerful questions that will speak to your Inner Advisor that is strong, confident and capable. Your coach can guide you to keep that Inner Advisor with you to stay strong, confident and resilient. You see the best next move for yourself that truly feels right because it comes from you.
Next time your gut reaction to something is “Yes!”, I encourage you to listen and acknowledge that wisdom. Don’t let that Little Voice snuff out the spark that can ignite a positive change in your life.
You are worth it!