Category: Benefits of Coaching

Love Your Work and Your Life Career & Life Coach

You should absolutely know the answer to these 3 questions

Many of us go through every day on remote control. We get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch TV or walk and go to bed. Then do it all over again. Day after day after day. If your every day activities were part of something bigger, you would feel like you getting somewhere, able to reach a goal and doing some good in the process.   If you can answer these three…
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A career coach can help me . . . how?

You CAN find work that will be more interesting, inspirational and enjoyable! Do any of the following describe how you sometimes feel? You have a “great” job, you have a great salary, benefits, etc. but you have to drag yourself out of bed every morning just to show up. The work is not satisfying or interesting anymore. You go to work every day, earn a decent living, but the idea of doing it for the…
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Want to make a change but can’t seem to get moving? Read this!

You want something—maybe a change in your job or your life—but you are stuck in your own self-doubt tornado. Try these steps and get back on track, heading toward your goal. (If you need help determining your goal, this could help.) One thing is for certain . . . you will be 100% unsuccessful if you don’t even try!  To get started, take just a moment to consider these steps to help move you forward.…
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How a career coach can help

Here is a real client’s perspective on what she gained from our work together. Perhaps some of her comments will resonate and help you understand more fully the impact a coaching relationship can have on one’s life. When the time is right for client to end a series of coaching sessions, part of the process is to help the client reflect on what they’ve learned and how far they have come. It is also a…
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Did COVID Cause You to Rethink Your Job/Career?

Here’s what to do. Many of us have been working from home, alone or spending time with our kids, our spouse or significant other, maybe even our parents—and actually enjoying it. We’ve enjoyed the easy conversations, getting to know neighbors, friends and relatives at a different level. And maybe they have even liked being with US as well. Perhaps that work/life balance feels more in line with what fulfills you—more time for family and friends,…
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